Notice: due to the current overnight low temperatures, we may have to temporarily delay delivery of GSL medicines. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

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Harrisons Direct blog

Here you’ll find an assortment of useful information, from brand guides to product placement tips – your retail advice handbook!

Father’s Day 2020: 4 Gifts That’ll Fly Off Your Shelves

Father’s Day is just around the corner, and your customers will soon…

American vs European Confectionery: What Should You Stock?

Were you even a child if you didn’t enjoy munching on sweets…

Buyers’ Top Picks Summer 2020

Scouting for all the best summer products is thirsty work. Luckily, we…

What Are the Best Mother’s Day Products to Sell in 2020?

While UK shoppers like to make themselves feel special, they also splash…

9 Retail Easter Displays You Can Take Inspiration From

Shop displays are a magnet for consumers patrolling the high-street; if you…

15 Valentine’s Day Promotion Ideas

Valentine’s Day is worth around £850 million in the UK. Get involved…

Our Buyers’ Top Picks for Spring

Much like you, our buyers are always searching for the hottest trends…

19 January Sales Ideas: How to Increase Your Retail Sales Post-Christmas

January can be a tough time for retailers, the Christmas high is gone and shoppers are stringent. However, it doesn’t have to be doom and gloom. Maximise your sales with these 19 tips.

Christmas Holiday Closure and Last Delivery Dates

It’s that time of year again – Christmas is almost upon us!…

Housekeeping in a Retail Store: Why it Matters (+ 13 Cleaning Tips)

Have you ever stepped inside a dirty store? What’s the first thing you did? Leave, no doubt. Keep footfall high by actioning these tips.

The 8 Types of Christmas Shopper & How to Connect With Them

Everyone buys gifts in different ways – are you organised or scatterbrained? Calm or frantic? We’re exploring the different types of Christmas shopper and how retailers can engage with them.

The Top Christmas Retail Trends to Look Out for in 2019

The most wonderful time of the year is fast approaching and the…

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