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The Happy World of Harrison's Haribo

The Haribo brand of sweets is recognised throughout the world. Known for their large variety of treats and their slogan Kids and Grown-ups Love it so – The Happy World of Haribo, versions of which appear in a number of languages, Haribo sweets are synonymous with innovative, high-quality products.

Founded by Hans Riegel Sr in 1920, the company based itself in Bonn, Germany. The name Haribo came about by using the first two letters from each word in the phrase Hans Riegel, Bonn and, by 1922, Haribo had created the first gum-based bear-shaped sweets. Hans Riegel Sr unfortunately died during World War II and the business was taken over by his son, Hans Riegel Jr, who laid the foundations for the company to become one of the best-known sweet brands in Europe. Even frontline soldiers are known to enjoy the delicious sweets, affectionately referring to them as ‘Morale-ibo’ due to the beneficial effects experienced.

The history of Haribo is so rich that a museum dedicated entirely to the brand was constructed in Uzès in southern France. Since its opening in 1996, the Musée du Bonbon now accommodates nearly 300,000 visitors per year in its 1800M² space. Interactive displays, tastings and a virtual factory tour make this museum an absolute sweet lover’s delight, with the factory shop at the end of the tour proving to be a very popular attraction.

Harrison’s stock an extensive range of Haribo products, all of which have been consistent best sellers. Hanging bags are incredibly popular, from the signature Starmix, Tangfastics, Goldbears and Jelly Babies to the lesser-known but equally tasty Funny Mix, Happy Fruttis and Yellow Bellies. Just in time for hallowe’en we also stock the scary Horror Mix, sure to thrill any trick-or-treaters. A 15 peg fully stocked hanging bag stand is available, providing an eye-catching and convenient display in any store. Creating your own mix from individual sweets is much-loved by children so Harrison’s supply a range of boxes of sweets ranging in price to meet this need and allow you to offer the widest choice available.

Sweets are year-round best sellers and the Haribo brand has been proved popular time and time again. Our Haribo products, as with everything in our extensive range, are supplied only to trade customers and thus at the very best trade-only prices. For more information on anything you see on our website, please contact a member of our dedicated team.

For more information then please call us today on 01254 306840 or email [email protected]

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