The 8 Types of Christmas Shopper & How to Connect With Them

Christmas, it’s the busiest and most profitable time of the year for retailers. But who are the people that buy from you?
We’ve compiled this list so you can identify the patrons that march through your store this Christmas.
Plus, we’ll give you tips on how to spot your buyer, what their buying special power is, and how to connect with them.
The 8 Types of Christmas Shopper:

Description: We may as well not include them on this list because they’ve had all their gifts wrapped up since you went on holiday this summer – while you were buying tanning oil they were stuffing tinsel into their spare cupboard.
Organised, determined and professional, this serious shopper is someone that has all retailers fooled.
They’ve emotionally detached themselves from the slick advertising slogans and the ‘Christmas shopping experience’; they prefer to remain focused and logical when buying Christmas gifts, the end goal is all that matters.
How to spot one: If you hear them bragging about how they’ve had a Christmas turkey in their freezer since August, you know you’ve encountered an ‘Early Bird’.
Special power: Psychic abilities – they know what everyone wants six months in advance.
How to connect with them: Try to upsell or give them early discounts for the following year.

Description: This shopper is a force to be reckoned with. They’ve been waiting for the Black Friday sales for a long time and they’re motivated.
There’s a glint in their eye that tells you they’re going to get what they want. A meticulous planner who has a list of all their desired goods ready to be ticked off.
You can find this shopper persistently browsing the web or at retail parks hugging a coffee as they charge through various shops.
How to spot one: They’ve never bought retail goods outside of the sale and would consider selling some of their organs to get a good Black Friday deal.
Special power: Never giving up – you may hear them whispering this mantra as they search for goods.
How to connect with them: Give them what they want, fast. They’ll do the research anyway and won’t need a sales pitch.

Description: This shopper blends the online and offline shopping experience to create a devastating deal-seeking combination.
It doesn’t matter what they’re buying, they’ll research anything from toothpaste to televisions – always making sure the end product fits what they desire.
You’ll find this shopper popping in and out of your store as they price check and validate their desired purchase.
How to spot one: They’ll be huddled in the corner of the store scrolling on their phone or outsmarting you with their product knowledge.
Special power: They’re a human product/price comparison machine.
How to connect with them: Give them loyalty discounts or create offers for the products they’re most interested in.

Description: they only came in for Christmas cards yet stumble to the till with two trolleys full of Christmas decorations.
Wild, out of control and reckless – The Impulse Buyer’s eyes start twitching at the sheer mention of Christmas, so those close to them use the word carefully.
They’re the ones who claim they’re going to have a quiet ‘Christmas this year’ but two weeks later you’ll find them trying to shove a nine-foot pine tree through their living room window.
How to spot one: You won’t be able to see them because of all the bags covering their face and body.
Special power: Superhuman shopping-bag-carrying strength.
How to connect with them: Use the till area to promote products – they’ll pick things up before they get there.

Description: They’ve been bragging for six weeks about ‘how they’ve got everything covered and don’t need to worry about getting presents just yet’.
Fast forward to Christmas Eve and they have nothing. They’ll be swanning around laughing and joking about it, telling every staff member they encounter that ‘they always leave it until the last minute’.
Conversely, they could be sat on a bench outside of a shop staring into the abyss, wondering what went wrong (treat them with care).
How to spot one: It’s Christmas Eve and they aren’t at home.
Special power: The ability to get everything they need even though it’s Christmas Eve.
How to connect with them: Group gifts together to make it easier and quicker for them to pick what they want.

Description: They’ve already done six Christmas shopping runs and December hasn’t even begun yet. They seem to be wearing clothes and accessories you’ve never seen before, and they definitely didn’t get that 60 inch smart TV ‘from the car boot’.
The original self-indulgent shopper will buy more Christmas presents for themselves than anyone else.
This shopper needs constant supervision, try accompanying them on trips and if you see their eyes twinkling, grab them and run.
How to spot one: They’ll have a mixed look of guilt and satisfaction on their face.
Special power: No matter their age, they always manage to get the biggest Christmas present haul.
How to connect with them: Promote messaging that Christmas isn’t all about buying for other people, you can treat yourself along the way too. They won’t need much encouragement, though.

Description: They’ve been ‘cancelling Christmas’ for the past ten years but their eyes still twinkle when you hand them their gift, and they’ll be belting out The Pogues after a few brandys.
The self-proclaimed Scrooge. They don’t want to buy any gifts at Christmas, and find the very thought of Christmas shopping repulsive.
They’ll still go shopping, reluctantly. But they’ll complain to anyone they encounter on their path, and will probably use phrases like ‘this is the last year I’m doing this’.
How to spot one: They have a constant frown.
Special power: Death stare – let me buy my gifts and leave.
How to connect with them: Some say it’s impossible for a retailer to connect with this person, but we’d recommend humouring the Christmas boycott routine.

Description: They’ve been telling you they want to do a 30,000 ft skydive for months. It’s now Christmas Day and you’re unwrapping your gift…
Guess what? It’s a skydive. You’re scared of heights, and you couldn’t think of anything worse than jumping out of a plane. Do they care? No.
This gift buyer makes the crucial error of thinking everyone else wants exactly what they want, and can generally use the majority of everyone else’s presents as well as their own.
How to spot one: They’ll begin to list every reason each present benefits them.
Special power: The ability to convince you their gift is exactly what you need.
How to connect with them: tell them how products will benefit them, after all, that’s why they’re buying them!
Keep Your Eyes Peeled…
Next time you wander out onto the shop floor, see if you can spot your shopper. Is someone typing furiously on their mobile phone? Is someone cradling a cup of coffee like a newborn baby?
But most of all, have a brilliant, profitable Christmas from everyone here at Harrisons, and be sure to visit our Christmas range for all your retail needs.