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Keep the Nation Healthy With Our Winter Wellness Product Collection

Keep the Nation Healthy With Our Winter Wellness Product Collection

The nights are drawing to a close quicker, and the temperature will begin to drop soon – it’s a beautiful time of year, as bonfire night and Halloween start to creep up, and the lush green landscape starts to melt into deep reds, oranges and browns.

It also means annoying colds, cold sores, viruses, sniffles and all sorts of ailments as the body tries to bat away germs that thrive in the cold weather.

Don’t let illness ruin your customers’ autumn and winter fun by stocking up on the latest health and wellness products from Harrisons.

Consumers Are Focusing On Prevention First

We don’t need to explain why prevention is the main goal for 2020. You could argue that it should be the goal for every time and year, but it’s more important than it’s ever been.

People need products for the prevention of harmful bacteria, whether it’s tissues to prevent germs from spreading in the air or cleaning products to keep germs from spreading at home.

People will get ill, and there may be some emergency stocking done at the start of autumn, we don’t think it’ll be on the scale of the toilet roll and hand sanitiser panic buy, but consumers are going to be more health-conscious, so we wouldn’t rule out increased sales.

Why Buy Our Wellness Product Collection?

Why Buy Our Winter Wellness Product Collection?
  1. Grouping products create a better and more logical approach to buying – e.g. customer buys cold and flu medicine, but realises they want a hot water bottle.
  2. Maximise sales by including various options that work together.
  3. Allows you to take advantage of seasonal buying traditions.
  4. Gives the buyer a visual experience – they can see the ‘getting better’ experience in front of them, all they need to do is buy it.

Top Products for Preventing Colds & Viruses

Before we focus on cure, let’s focus on prevention! We’ve seen an increased use of germ prevention methods such as masks and hand sanitiser, so it makes sense to be sensible to prevent rather than cure.

Hand Soap

Wholesale Hand Soap

Soap is the best destruction method against unwanted germs – and while it’s soothing to humans, it’s destructive to pathogens and microorganisms. A single drop of soap in water is enough to kill thousands of bacteria.

When it comes to buying liquid or solid soaps, both follow the same cleaning method, so it doesn’t matter which one you choose to sell.

Consider the people that buy from you; kids will want different soap to adults (although they might not always get it!), and people with sweaty or dirty hands will prefer something soothing or fragrant. 

Dry or damaged hands will benefit from moisturising soaps as they prevent more handwashing as the hands don’t dry out as quickly.

While ‘germ shield’ or ‘antibacterial’ soaps tend to sell better because of the naming convention, any soap will remove dirt, grime and germs from the hands if they’re appropriately washed.

Product Benefits:

  • Leaves hands germ-free
  • Hands smell great
  • Better cleaning tool than hand sanitiser
  • Made for various skin types – sensitive, normal and dry

View our selection of soaps from the most trusted brands in the UK.

Hand Sanitiser

Wholesale Hand Sanitiser

Hand sanitiser is more popular than tissues when it comes to preventing the spread of viruses.

It’s important to remember that hand sanitisers are a backup to handwashing, which is usually a portable solution being as though most people have soap and water in their house.

Don’t encourage your customers to use hand sanitiser as a substitute for handwashing, as it can’t protect against other viruses and infections like norovirus, cryptosporidium and clostridium difficult.

Our Mad Beauty Clip & Clean Hand Sanitisers contain 69.3% alcohol, so you can be sure they’ll protect against unwanted germs.

Product Benefits:

  • Alcohol-based hand sanitisers kill a wide range of germs and have to be between 60-95% alcohol to prevent diseases from spreading.
  • Easy to use – all it takes is a quick spray to be germ-free!
  • Small and compact for easy storage.

Pocket Tissues

Wholesale Pocket Tissues

Pocket tissues would usually be something to carry around in the winter months, but feeling a cold or a sneeze coming on could mean a virus, and not covering the mouth and nose means more germs will enter the atmosphere.

While it can be a challenge to get a tissue before sneezing, they’re worth carrying around. Tissues won’t destroy the virus, but they could help stop the spread of germs and prevent anyone else from contracting it.

Any tissues will do – we have plenty of pocket tissues in stock, including tissues for kids.

Product Benefits

  • Easy to store
  • Transportable
  • Stop the spread of germs
  • Come in a variety of brands and colours
  • Prevent the build-up of mucus in the nose.

Vitamins & Supplements

Wholesale Vitamins & Supplements

Vitamins and minerals provide essential nutrients for our bodies and perform hundreds of roles in the human body – and preventing and healing illnesses are part of that.

Two of the most critical vitamins regarding illness prevention and cure are vitamin A and vitamin C, which both help to support the body’s immune system.

We get most of our vitamin A through the sun, so as soon as the nights start coming sooner we lose out on vitamin D. It’s important to replenish it in other ways, and vitamin A can help your customers get their daily allowance.

While vitamin C is readily available in fruit and vegetables, but supplements come in handy for those who are on diets or want an alternative method of getting their required amount.

Product Benefits:

  • Boosts immunity – helping to protect the body against illness and aid the healing process.
  • Repair cellular damage
  • Compact and transportable

Try some of the following products:

Top Products for Healing & Comfort

We can’t always prevent a cold no matter how many times we apply hand sanitiser or take vitamin tablets. Sometimes it happens, and when it does we want two things:

  1. To get better
  2. To be comfortable while we’re getting better

Here are some products that’ll help alleviate pain and provide comfort on the way to recovery.

Olbas Inhaler Nasal Stick

Wholesale Olbas Inhaler Nasal Stick

Once the pocket tissues are gone, it’s good to get a fresh burst of eucalyptus, peppermint and other essential oils to open the nasal passage. Sometimes tissues don’t do the trick either, so it’s useful when you provide another solution.

Olbas is a well-established brand that most of your customers will have heard of, so they’ll sell well and provide top-quality care. We also stock nasal spray and vapour rub, which can help with a cough.

Product Benefits:

  • Easy to transport and store in pockets or makeup bags.
  • Fast relief from hayfever, common colds and sinusitis.
  • Olbas oil (not stick) is plant-based and suitable for children as low as three months old.

Vaseline Original Lip Balm & Zovirax Coldsore Cream

Wholesale Vaseline Original Lip Balm & Zovirax Coldsore Cream

Cold weather dries lips out because they don’t contain any oil production glands. The lips are always exposed to the elements – such as wind, cold air, hot air and whatever the weather throws at people.

To prevent lips from drying and cracking, it’s useful to carry around lip balm. But lip balm isn’t always something people remember – which can lead to cold sores and chapped lips. Ensure you have both options available, so you’re covered for prevention and cure.

Vaseline Product Benefits:

  • Instantly softens & soothes dry lips
  • Locks in moisture to help lips recover from discomfort
  • Made with triple-purified Vaseline petroleum jelly

Zovirax Product Benefits:

  • Attacks the cold sore virus and prevents it from reproducing.
  • Use at any stage of cold sore treatment to accelerate healing.

Beechams Flu Plus Caplets

Wholesale Beechams Flu Plus Caplets

When cold does strike, you want to provide a remedy that covers everything, such as:

  • Headaches
  • Coughs
  • Sore throats
  • Blocked nose
  • Fever
  • Aches & Pains

Beechams is an established brand that has provided cold solutions for sixty years, so your customers know they’re buying a product they can trust.

Product Benefits:

  • Provides rapid and effective relief from the major cold and flu symptoms.
  • Eight easy to swallow full relief tablets.
  • Contains caffeine to help treat the drowsy feeling associated with a cold and phenylephrine to ease nasal congestion.

Other Cold & Flu Products:

Hot Water Bottle

Wholesale Hot Water Bottles

Colds often lead to people getting the chills or feeling cold if the weather is a bit choppy or they don’t have the heating on at night. Filling a hot water bottle up and putting it inside a container or pillowcase can add that extra bit of comfort, especially if they have aches and pains that come with a cold. 

Help your customers soothe their pain by investing in our hot water bottles.

Product Benefits:

  • Helps to reduce stiffness in the joints and improve blood circulation.
  • Helps people relax and ease anxiety.
  • Eases body pain.
  • Increases comfort levels.
  • Cheap investment.
  • Can be used at work or in cars.

Radox Stress Relief Eucalyptus Bubble Bath

Wholesale Radox Stress Relief Eucalyptus Bubble Bath

Having a bath won’t cure a cold, but it can help people feel better on the way and provide some temporary relief from any aches or pains. The heat will loosen up any mucus in the nostrils and chest – those pocket tissues will come in handy here as nobody wants a snotty bath!

Here are four ways a bath can help with a cold:

  • A raised temperature (fever) is the body’s way of fighting viruses, so raising it can create a ‘self-induced fever’ which can help.
  • When body temperature decreases, it leaves us feeling sleepy, which can help with a good nights sleep.
  • It relaxes the body.
  • Steam helps relieve congestion.

Product Benefits:

  • Eucalyptus helps clear the airways and alleviate any decongestion.
  • Rosemary calms and relaxes.
  • Transforms mood and clears the mind with fresh forest fragrances.

Kick the Winter Colds With Harrisons

Help your customers kick their illnesses this winter with our Winter Wellness Product Collection – and if you want to help them protect against nasty viruses such as Covid-19, check out our Health and Hygiene Product Collection.

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